Precipice ’24 has sold out with 9 people currently on the waiting list.  If you would like to hear about future events, please email me as this is the only notification used.

After 3 years absence, we came back to Canberra in 2022.  Precipice 2024 will be the 27th time in 29 years that the event has been staged in some form and will be held this year on August 23/24/25th.  In 2022 we welcomed Antony Hateley to the team as lighting designer and he will return for the 2024 event. Many thanks to Mark Gordon for his inauguration of Precipice 28 years ago and his continued participation until 2019.
The event is supported by QL2 Dance without whom it would not be possible, thanks QL2 & Gorman House.
Also integral to the event for the last decade is Soundout Festival Canberra with whom we enjoy a night of collaboration as well as assistance with the promotion of our public performances.

Precipice is a 3 day event at Gorman House, Braddon that brings together experienced improvisers with a diverse range of practices and styles from all around Australia.   It has been running for over twenty years in Canberra and provides a wonderful opportunity to work with peers and perform for each other over the course of three days – to watch, discuss, collaborate, investigate, and practise improvising.

There is a workshop each morning, “in-house” performance events in the afternoon, and evening performances open to the public. Our expert lighting operator improvises in the bio box and makes the performances look great.  Precipice is an opportunity for performance improvisers to show their work in a fully equipped performance space and under theatre lights.

It is staged late winter/early spring each year.

If you would like to join the waiting list please email

Photos by Anna White — Precipice’23 public performance